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Start | Applications | Sterile food production and storage
The ANSEROS K-FRESH system solutions comprises both washing and storage of fruits and vegetables. During the washing process, microorganisms are extinguished. The ripening gas ethylene is oxidized during storage. Thus, long storage times until upcoming harvest seasons become possible.
Permanently ozonized water running through the water tubing guarantees perfect hygiene.
When a farmer diagnoses his plants with a certain disease, he applies the respective drug with the prescribed dosage. Using ozone, we can also carry out many treatments, providing the correct dosage, i. e. the ozone concentration is being respected
It is possible that diseases will still occur due to the expectable change of climate.
Hydroponics is an extension of plant breeding in greenhouses with the great difference to ordinary breeding methods that mineral wool, perlite and ready-made nutriments are being used instead of soil and fertilizers.
A further extension of hydroponics is the use of ozone. The water has to fulfil completely different conditions there than in ordinary plant breeding. Our research is concerned with reaching high water qualities from the well right to the roots of the plants – an objective we achieve to the highest possible extent by the use of ozone.
Please ask us for more advantages in hydroponic applications.
Ozone can replace traditional sanitizing agents such as chlorine and provide other benefits in the washing, sanitizing, and storage of produce.
Minimizing the occurrence of microorganisms in fruits, vegetables, meats and other foods is a primary food-safety concern. At the same time, sanitizers such as the chlorine used both to wash produce as well as disinfect processing equipment may potentially harm the environment. Some consumers also prefer these materials not be present as residue in the foods they eat. One way the food industry can address food safety and the negative perception of some sanitizing agents is through the use of ozone treatment.
Ozone treatment of grains needs two important steps. Firstly, while ozone gas reacts with the substances on the grain surfaces. After that method, the ozone gas kill the insects by reaction instead of the grains.
Sustainable plant care with ozone water is several times feasible, as a substitute for pesticides and Fungicides, without chemical pollution of the soil, also for Protection of the groundwater.
Greenhouse santization with ozone technologies cleans biofilm and kills bacteria or fungus. The application of ozone reduces the amount of halogenated by‐products in the soil.
Long-term storage of fruits is carried out by the Elimination of the ripening gas ethylene. Furthermore, flawless hygienic conditions are required for growth and die to prevent transmission of bacteria. Depending on the type of fruit the climatic conditions are regulated automatically by ANSEROS control units.
Odour and bacteria attack the health of animals. Anseros found a physical treatment principle without using chemicals to eliminate odour and kill bacteria by plasma technology.
Intensive pig farming produces massive odor pollution in the environment. Not only the surrounding population is troubled with foul odors, but also the animals in the stable themselves. Furthermore, wherever there is smell, bacteria can be detected. Due to intensive farming, the health of both humans and animals is at stake.
As a oxidizing agent ozone sterilizes storage and transporting rooms already at very low concentrations. Ozone treatment in gas phase prolongs the durability of vegetables and fruits. The three atomic oxygen gas kills molds and bacteria in the ambient air and on the surfaces of products.
In the fast growing poultry industry, the hatchery is a critical link. It is the meeting point where eggs from various breeding farms come together. It is also the point from which millions of chicks are transported to many laying or broiler farms. At such meeting point, everything must be in a high hygenic condition to avoid catching and distribution of bacterias and virus.
Anseros Ozone fish basin System revolutionises the water sterilisation process for water basins (#German patent)
Much smaller building, no injector pumping station and mixing tank
+ No expensive circulation piping and pump stations
+ Anseros system requires only 35KW per Basin
+ Lower volumumetric flow required for same performance
+ Bubble surface contact area 1000 % higher
+ Results in slower rise time and longer contact time
+ Final bubbles only 1 mm in Dia.
+ Sterilisation period longer than 20 Seconds
+ Anseros systems need less service
+ No problems with salt water contaminating the water
Ozone is a gas that can safely be used in the gaseous state or dissolved in water. The most common way to clean with ozone is to dissolve the gas in cold water and use the resulting solution in place of hot water and chemicals.