Advanced Oxidation Process Plants

Anseros for 35 years is an expert in manufacturing of ozone technical equipment and systems. The nature is using ozone for millions of years to clean atmosphere, soil and water. The name of this natural gas was given by Prof. Dr. Schönbein (University of Tübingen) and has been borrowed from the Greek word for “smell”. Two hundred years ago, the humans already observed the bleaching effects of ozone (O3) while drying laundry under the sunlight. This can be considered as the first oxidation process with oxygen. Ozone is a modification of the natural oxygen. It cleaves the double bonds of carbon and further decomposes the organic structures until full mineralization. Under certain conditions, ozone can also produce and release hydroxyl radicals (OH•). Such operations are today called “Advanced Oxidation Processes”, abbreviated as AOP. Innovative AOP processes, like the HOXON® (O /COOOC) 3 with organic ozonides are environmentally friendly and sustainable. They work in natural pH range and thereby effectively oxidize, for instance, pesticides and pharmaceutical trace substances. The receiving water is much cleaner and can be used in fish ponds. All nonbiodegradable compounds become mineralized while leaving purified and oxygen-enriched water behind for new life.

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Contact us and arrange a non-binding consultation. We will be happy to advise you personally and individually.

Tel: +49-(0)7071-7995-0​

Maintenance-free, durable products
Certified quality from a single source
40 Jahre Know-How
Made in Germany


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