Maintenance-free, durable products
Certified quality from a single source
40 Jahre Know-How
Made in Germany

Start | Ozone Solutions | K-FRISCH® | for fruit and bewerages
During the washing process, microorganisms are extinguished. The ripening gas ethylene is oxidized during storage. Thus, long storage times until upcoming harvest seasons become possible.
The K-FRISCH® system assures reliable hygiene throughout entire processing and storage areas.
+ Long-term storage of climacteric fruits
+ Hygienic washing
+ Odor containment in production and storage facilities
+ Bacteria-free surfaces of machinery, devices and equipment
+ Safe transport without quality losses
+ Sustainable method without harmful chemicals
Hydroponics is an extension of plant breeding in greenhouses with the great difference to ordinary breeding methods that mineral wool, perlite and ready-made nutriments are being used instead of soil and fertilizers.
+ Disinfection
+ Water treatment for hydroponics
+ Pathogen control
Reduction of halogenated by-products in the soil
+ Reducing biofilm
+ Killing bacteria and fungus
Long-term storage of fruits is carried out by the Elimination of the ripening gas ethylene. Furthermore, flawless hygienic conditions are required for growth and die to prevent transmission of bacteria. Depending on the type of fruit the climatic conditions are regulated automatically by ANSEROS control units.
+ Disinfection of recirculated water
+ Prevention of fungus growth
+ Destruction of pesticides
+ Removal of aflatoxins in paprika (gaseous ozone)
+ Protection of vitamin C
+ Removal of escherichia coli on salad (EHEC cucumber)
+ Prevention of botrytis expansion (fungistatic effect)
+ Replacement of SO2 for grapes (rhizopus stolonifer)
+ Long storage period due to ethylene cracking
+ No quality effect on freshly cut fruits and vegetables (celery, salad,…..)
+ Sterilization of drinking water for beverages processing
+ Ozone CIP-procedure for tanks or pipes
+ Ozonated water for bottle rinsing
+ Waste water treatment for beverages processing
+ Producing bromat-free potable water
+ Sustainable beverages and bottle filling
+ Offgasing air treatment
+ ozone degasing control
+ Hygiene and deodorization of air with gas scrubbers
As a oxidizing agent ozone sterilizes storage and transporting rooms already at very low concentrations. Ozone treatment in gas phase prolongs the durability of vegetables and fruits. The three atomic oxygen gas kills molds and bacteria in the ambient air and on the surfaces of products.
Ozone is a gas that can safely be used in the gaseous state or dissolved in water. The most common way to clean with ozone is to dissolve the gas in cold water and use the resulting solution in place of hot water and chemicals.