Ozone Viticulture Systems

The simple use of OENOCAT® solutions in vine manufacturing

+ Rinsing of bottles
+ Tank cleaning
+ Barrel sterilisation
+ Fruit storage


Ozone dissolved in water has an enormous oxidizing power compared to other disinfectants and is used to clean tanks, barrels, hoses, pumps and filling lines. Gaseous ozone can be dissolved in water using an injection method and is very effective against biofilms and spoilage organisms in wooden barrels. When cleaning tanks, the mixture of O3+H2O disinfects stainless steel tanks efficiently and avoids the use of harsh chemicals. In addition, the ozonated water prevents the formation of microbial contamination in the bottling process. The use of ozone favors fast rinsing and low downtime without leaving chemical residues. Furthermore ozone technologies are used to treat wastewater in wineries for reducing pollutants and meet environmental standards. Ozone water can be sprayed on grapes to sanitize the surface and reduce microbial contamination prior to wine pressing.

Why you need OENOCAT viticulture systems?

Ozone solutions for vine and viticulture industry.

In the past, after the cleaning phase, the sulfur strip inside was lit, creating sulfur smoke to disinfect the barrels. Two hours later, the barrel was filled again.

In today’s practice of winemaking, it usually takes weeks or months from cleaning and disinfection to refilling. The empty barrel is stored in the damp cellar until the next use. In case of dry storage, the leak tightness of the barrel is at risk. There is enough time for recontamination so the barrel must be washed and disinfected again before the subsequent refilling. It may also happen that during empty storage, mold builds up in the wooden barrel, thus rendering it completely useless. The new EU biocide directive from September 2013 prohibits the sulfur treatment of wooden barrels, bottles, stainless steel tanks and pipes. The only economical and sustainable alternative is the treatment with ozone.


OENOCAT: How to clean barrels and tanks effectively?

Cleaning and sterilizing barrels is a heavy challenge for every cooper. Mould formation and tartar of wine must be avoided. Before the barrel can be filled with wine, thorough cleansing and pre-treatment of the barrel are necessary.
Therefore we developed the barrel sterilizer OENOCAT. The devices only use ozone for the cleaning process and eliminates reliably germs and bacteria out of the barrel, in order that every contamination can be excluded. It is the environmental alternative to the harmful sulphur cleaning.

How does the OENOCAT work?


Most of the wine lovers prefer the traditional wine, which is aged in oak barrels. Therefore the barrel must be completely cleaned and sterilized before it is filled.
Even afterwards wooden barrels, but also tanks made of metal, need a thorough cleansing to maintain the unmistakable taste of wine.
Our device OENOCAT produces negative ions within the barrel by means of ozone. These ions have a germicidal effect and help to conserve the barrel. The gas enters also the pores in the wood and the gaps between the staves. Odour-creating substances will be oxidised. When using the device, the barrel is sealed and safe because of the plug. According to the low-voltage directive our Oenocat is working with 12 volt DC voltage.

A practical example of the DLR Rhein-Pfalz

The German “Dienstleistungzentrum Ländlicher Raum Rhein-Pfalz“ has tested the effect of the Oenocat in a practical application: Ozone treatment of fermentation tanks is effective and helps to ensure the biological stability within the tanks.

The device can also be used for the treatment of room air in storage rooms and cellars to avoid mould formation.


We have received an award by the German winegrower’s associationOur Oenocat has gained the innovation award for technical progress by the German winegrower’s association.

Excerpt from the jury:
“The OENOCAT is well suitable for short-term sterilization of wooden barrels. Also penetrates the surface layer of the wood. Applicable also in small businesses due to the purchase price.”


Preserving and desinfection of wooden barrels, tanks and cellars have never been as effective and sustainable as with our innovative sterilizer.

Here you can read an article from the Meininger Verlag about the innovation award.

Here you can read an article from the Agricultural Newspaper regarding the innovation award.

Which prejudices do you have when using ozone as an oxidation agents?

Ozone occurs naturally in our atmosphere. It protects all living beings on earth against harmful UV radiation of the sun. But ozone also destroys germs and bacteria, as for example yeasts, and kills them completely. After the chemical reaction no harmful residues occur. Therefore an ozone treatment is very environmental friendly and safe.You are going to sterilize your barrels or cellar? Than ask us for our OENOCAT! We are looking forward to your request.



Please contact us for further advice

Contact us and arrange a non-binding consultation. We will be happy to advise you personally and individually.

Tel: +49-(0)7071-7995-0​

Maintenance-free, durable products
Certified quality from a single source
40 Jahre Know-How
Made in Germany


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