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Start | Industries | Food & agriculture
It uses the sun’s ultraviolet radiation, the water vapor in the clouds, and the power of the wind to clean the atmosphere and our habitat. UV radiation and water produce oxygen and hydroxyl radicals, both powerful gaseous oxidants that are kept constantly moving in the atmosphere by the wind. This creates a protective shield against the development of germs.
The philosophy of Anseros is to make use of these efficient methods of nature. We offer solutions for sterilization and cleaning applications based on the natural principles described above. They are environmentally friendly, effective and inexpensive.
Inadequate hygiene on farms is often the cause of epidemics. This can lead to the loss of entire animal populations. There is also a high risk of new viruses emerging through mutation. The SARS pandemic of 2003 clearly demonstrated this – thousands of people lost their lives. Poor hygiene conditions in chicken hatcheries or dangerous germs in the hooves of cows were the triggering cause of the pandemic.
The low oxygen content of the water ensures a lower growth rate of the plants. The high pH value causes the so-called “blossom end rot” because it obstructs the transport of calcium from the water into the fruit. Brown spots of the size of 10 Euro Cent coins on the fruit are typical of blossom end rot. In addition, bacteria, able to saturate themselves on sulfur hydrocarbons and to increase in numbers accordingly, lead to a high organic strain.
In order to meet this great challenge, Anseros developed a water system for agriculture that cleans the water without the use of chemicals and fosters the growth of plants in a natural way.
In greenhouses, water and fertilizers are fed directly to the root. The drainage water is treated and recirculated. This creates a high risk of disease transmission. Considering the fact that an infection will lead to the loss of the entire harvest, germ-free water is essential for healthy and productive plant cultivation.
Food and beverage manufacturers need billions of liters of water every day: for washing, processing, cooking and cleaning of food and everything appertaining to it. This water must be free of any contaminants.
Gaseous ozone can also be used as a preservative for some food products or for the sterilization of packaging material. An example for the use of ozone as a preservative is its application during the refrigerated storage of eggs, fresh fruits and vegetables as well as fish.
It becomes necessary to feed the fishes by taking proper care and to maintain the water clean. As a rule, the cleaning of water is carried out by using a special microbiological filter. This filter requires a definite period of time till enough beneficial bacteria have collected thus making the filter active. Moreover, the microorganisms can react only slowly on the changed conditions of the aquarium. However, the pollutants and toxic substances can be destroyed very fast by employing ozone and a high contamination can be immediately eliminated.
Conventional cleaning and sterilization methods often rely on the use of chemicals, which in turn pose a threat to the health and life of humans and animals. Persistent organic pollutants, for example, are created by the use of chlorine. They degrade very slowly or not at all in the environment.
The food and beverage industry is gradually moving away from the use of chlorine and has recognized the potential of ozone applications for disinfection. Until now, chlorine has traditionally been used in the food industry for water treatment. However, it has one disadvantage: the potential risk of toxic chlorine residues and by-products in water that has been treated with chlorine more than once. Ozone applications are considered a safe, environmentally friendly alternative and are therefore increasingly being used to disinfect water, equipment, etc.
It is no secret that the water on our planet is exposed to high levels of pollution, mainly due to the effects of industrialization. There is less and less clean water available for agricultural irrigation.
Water analyses show a high pH value of 7.8, a reduced redox potential and relatively large amounts of hydrogen sulphide. In response to these studies, fertilizer manufacturers have promoted the increased use of fertilizers. In their opinion, hydrogen sulphide blocks the absorption of the fertilizer. However, the result is even greater contamination of the soil and water.
While clean air is certainly the wish of every pet owner and clean water is of an aquarium owner, a biotope that is as natural as possible is of great importance for the vegetable grower. However, such a complex ecosystem that can exist in a biological balance without care and technical aids cannot be recreated in the limited space.